
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Modify Windows Your Style

1.Automatic Screen Refresh
When you make changes to your hard drive and use Explorer, the changes are not usually displayed until you press the F5 keyTo make the updates automatic:
1.Start Regedit
2.Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / UpdateMode
3.Edit the DWORD value to be between 1 and 7

2.Changing the Title on Windows Media Player
You can change the title bar for the Windows Media Player
1.Start Regedit
2.Go to HKEY_USERS \ .DEFAULT \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ WindowsMediaPlayer
3.Create a string value of TitleBar
4.Give it a value of whatever you want to appear in the title bar

3.Control Panel Restrictions
There are many general restrictions you can make to the Control Panel
1.Start Regedit
2.Go to HKEY_Current_User / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies
3.Create a new keys under Policies called System
4.You can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keys
5.To re-enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0
NoDispCPL - Disable Display Control Panel
NoDispBackgroundPage - Hide Background Page
NoDispScrSavPage - Hide Screen Saver Page
NoDispAppearancePage - Hide Appearance Page
NoDispSettingsPage - Hide Settings Page
NoSecCPL - Disable Password Control Panel
NoPwdPage - Hide Password Change Page
NoAdminPage - Hide Remote Administration Page
NoProfilePage - Hide User Profiles Page
NoDevMgrPage - Hide Device Manager Page
NoConfigPage - Hide Hardware Profiles Page
NoFileSysPage - Hide File System Button
NoVirtMemPage - Hide Virtual Memory Button

4.Disabling My Computer
In areas where you are trying to restrict what users can do on the computer, it might be beneficial to disable the ability to click on My Computer and have access to the drives, control panel etc.To disable this:
1.Start Regedit
2.Search for 20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D
3.This should bring you to the HKey_Classes_Root \ CLSID section
4.Delete the entire section.
Now when you click on My Computer, nothing will happen.You might want to export this section to a registry file before deleting it just in case you want to enable it again..
See the section on Installation to see how to do this automatically during an install.

5.Disabling the F3 Search Key

If you want to disable the ability to use the F3 key from either the Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer
1.Start Regedit
2.Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
3.Create a Dword value called NoFindFiles
4.Give it a value of 1

6.Disabling the Right-Click on the Start Button

Normally, when you right button click on the Start button, it allows you to open your programs folder, the Explorer and run Find.In situations where you don't want to allow users to be able to do this in order to secure your computer.
1.Start Regedit
2.Search for Desktop
3.This should bring you to HKey_Classes_Root \ Directory
4.Expand this section
5.Under Shell is Find
6.Delete Find
7.Move down a little in the Registry to Folder
8.Expand this section and remove Explore and Open
Now when you right click on the Start button, nothing should happen.You can delete only those items that you need.Note: - On Microsoft keyboards, this also disables the Window-E (for Explorer) and Window-F (for Find) keys.See the section on Installation to see how to do this automatically during an install.

7.Eliminating the Right Click on the Taskbar
To eliminate the right click on the taskbar:
Start Regedit
1.Start Regedit
2.Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
3.Add a DWORD and give it a name of NoTrayContextMenu
4.Give it a value of 1

8.Hiding All Icons from the Desktop

1.Start Regedit
2.Go to HKey_Current_User \ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \ Current Version \ Policies \ Explorer
3.Right click on the right panel and add a New / DWORD
4.Name it NoDesktop
5.Give it a value of 1
6.Logoff or Reboot the computer
Now all icons are hidden on the desktop

9.Setting the Recycle Bin to Always Delete
You can set the recycle bin to always delete items (like holding down the shift key when dragging files to the recycle bin)
1.Start Regedit
2.Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ BitBucket
3.Set the key NukeOnDelete to 1

10.To speed up the Start Menu
1.Start the REGEDIT program
2.Search for the word desktop
3.This should be in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {00021400...
4.Right Click on the right panel
5.Pick NEW / String Value.
6.Name it MenuShowDelay, all one word.
7.Select a value from 1-10, 1 being the fastest.
9.Restart Windows

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